Saturday, July 20, 2013

Back Home

Home after almost 8 weeks in Europe. I got up at 4:30 on Friday in Vienna, saw the sun rise at 5AM...

Flew to Paris where I had 4 hours before the flight home. I decided that instead of floundering in the lounge, I'd make one last swing into the city and hopped the RER and went to my fav spot across from Notre Dame.

Back to the airport and a flight to Minneapolis, 2 hour wait then finally home to see the sun set at 8PM (which is 5AM in Vienna) meaning a 24 hour sun day!

What is this strange land. Everyone seems to be speaking English!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Shooting Weak 5

Finally working means less posting... sorry.

Here's the crew trying to make the 4th festive for us pesky Americans:

Finally made it to the top of the Arc Du Triomphe.
Bloody set.
Thwarted trying to make it to Marche Aux Puces:
But made it there today:
Then the bird market on Ille-de-Citi:
It was so hot that this barge on the Seine in my fav picnic spot had a pool on top:
And I noticed that the church (Saint Eustache) near my apartment has a sundial for a clock:

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Bone Jour

Well, after being here for 5 weeks, I finally made it to the reason for coming... The Official Tour